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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Technology and Second language teaching

Does technology improve language learning? This question has been my concern with the fact that technology has being part of daily life. After my experience I think yes, it does enhance language teaching from the task design to the assessment. Technology has been an effective tool in achieving the pedagogical goals. For example, it allows more opportunities for the students to practice the language just as the case of Interactive Whiteboard, presentations, digital storytelling..etc. Web or network-based communication(emails, blogs, chat rooms, wikis) enhances language teaching and learning a lot. These webs provide a rich interactive environment. Tablets can also be used for preparing and transporting materials and for producing and sharing video, audio and rich media content with students. Skype English classes give the students chances to talk to native speakers. In addition the combination of video, audio and chat make easy to hold the students attention. Setting homework/starting topics for debate on facebook or another social network  . Another important role technology has played is addressing the different learning styles like the use of multimedia in presentations.

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