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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning is simply defined as learning anywhere and at any time with the use of mobile devices such as handheld and tablet computers, MP3 players, smartphones and mobile phones. Individual learners who are engaged in this type of learning can personalize their learning environments by deciding where and when to learn.
UNICCO define it as “It presents unique attributes compared to conventional e-learning: personal, portable, collaborative, interactive, contextual and situated, it emphasizes "just-in-time-learning" as instruction can be delivered anywhere and at anytime through it. Moreover, it is an aid to formal and informal learning and thus holds enormous potential to transform the delivery of education and training”.
Based on my experience as a learner, mobile learning allows me to reflect upon topics freely and enhances my communication skills and because I have  access to web-enabled mobile, most of the time I try to find out apps that help me in my professional development . I consider this to be type of mobile learning. My mice and nephews didn’t go to the school yet and they are using one of the mobile devices “Ipad”. The point I want to make is that their learning progress is incredible.  While setting at the car or at anyplace, they are listening to educational songs that help them in their pronunciation and vocabulary or playing games that contains problem solving and so on. Also another case a person told me that his younger brother learned how to read and write only after using social networks. So,  I think mobile learning is beneficial for both the teacher and the students for the following reasons. As I am English teacher, mobile learning helps my students a lot that it encourages learning in a real-world context “authentic” . Also, as I am favor of the communicative approach in learning, I think that these types of devices promote and foster collaboration and communication in the international language “English”. It is also adaptable to individual and diverse learners. In addition, using Ipad programs to replace textbooks solve the heavy school bags problem. There are many useful applications that enhance my students leaning like accessing dictionaries, audio examples of pronunciation, record themselves or each other during speaking and pronunciation activities, note-taking..etc.Through Mobile Learning technology concept development, my role as a teacher is to identify the specific mobile technologies that help in achieving the aims of our education here at Oman, in order to understand what works and why.
However, mobile learning has its shortcomings presented in the potential for distraction or unethical behavior; physical health concerns, data privacy issues and charges for mobile connectivity. In addition, the fact that mobile learning is limitless in term of content makes the teachers’ role harder. 

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